The Grove House Curriculum

At Grove House we are passionate about providing an engaging, enriching and aspirational curriculum for our children. We know our children and community well and and over the past three years we have developed an approach which is designed to give our children the opportunity to explore and  understand their own personal history and heritage.  We want our children to be proud Bradfordians with the confidence, knowledge and skills to go on to be happy, successful adults in the wider world.

We pride ourselves on being a truly inclusive school where we go above and beyond to meet the needs of the children in the community in which we serve.

Our ambitions for Grove House children

We aspire for our children to be:

Happy, confident and proud of who they are and where they are from.

Competent learners with knowledge and skills that enable them to build on their strengths and interests and endeavor to improve on things they find more challenging.

Compassionate members of the community who can take responsibility for their actions  to make a positive impact on the world.

Ambitious to achieve their own personal dreams and aspirations and able to collaborate effectively to achieve shared goals.

From where we are to where we want to be

From the start of our journey in nursery we begin to build awareness of self and pride in who we are and where we are from. Our topics are generally led by geography or history themes and include local studies, inspirational people from our area, and are enriched with cultural links through subjects such as RE, drama, art and music.

As children move through school, our curriculum expands concentrically to increase children’s awareness of the wider world, geographically, historically and culturally.

Curriculum Content

We have used the national curriculum to plan our curriculum from nursery through to year six to ensure that skills and knowledge are taught progressively and that over time children make links between and across subjects, embedding their learning to create deeper understanding.

Equal opportunities and diversity

We want our children to value what it is to live in a culturally and socio-economically diverse community like Bradford, and to learn about themselves and each other to be able to contribute to the building of a cohesive and collaborative society.


Our PSHCE curriculum is taught discretely and through the curriculum themes where possible, from nursery through to year six. It begins with children beginning to develop a strong connection with who they are and what makes them special. They then discover the similarities and differences between themselves and others through cultural experiences, including enrichment visits and visitors and community celebrations. Finally children learn about the protected characteristics and what this means in everyday life and the legalities in terms of human rights and the workplace.

SEMH and Inclusion Curriculum

Our SEMH and inclusion curriculum and relationship policy underpin everything we do at Grove House. We believe that children learn best and achieve their best when they feel safe, happy and able to regulate their emotions.

We use our adapted zones of regulation to begin to introduce to children strategies which will mean that eventually they will be able to independently recognize and name how they are feeling and know what they can do to self-regulate. For more information go to the ‘Zones of regulation’ on the ‘Learning’ drop down menu.

Our enhanced SEMH and inclusion offer also provides a bespoke range of provision spaces in our ‘Maslow Suite’ which includes a sensory room, quiet study room, nurture space and an atelier- creative studio. This ensures that  children’s  individual needs can be supported and met,  subsequently enabling them to learn more effectively in the  classroom alongside their peers.

Long Term Plans

The links below provide and overview of the topics covered in each year group:

Nursery,  Reception , Year 1  Year 2,  Year 3,  Year 4 ,  Year 5,   Year 6



For more specific information, please visit the individual subject pages.