Religious Education


At Grove House our RE curriculum explores the important role that religious and non-religious worldviews play in all human life. Our RE curriculum develops pupils’ understanding of religions and worldviews, exploring their commonality and diversity. At Grove House, we nurture pupils’ awareness of the treasury of diversity as well as sensitivity to the questions and challenges that different views and cultures can present. Ultimately, we understand that we all share a common humanity and share this patch of the Earth. In this way our curriculum plays a part in helping pupils to discover their own place and journey through life. A holistic approach to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC), British Values, and Community Cohesion focuses on preparing pupils for life in the 21st century.


Religious Literacy
At Grove House, we use the ‘Believing and Belonging’ agreed syllabus. The syllabus is designed to gradually widen the religions that children will learn about.

In Key Stage 1, children will learn about Christianity, Islam and non-religious world views.

In Key Stage 2 children will continue to learn about these religions but will also begin learning about Judaism and Sikhism. Children will learn about these religions through reading religious stories, finding out about beliefs, festivals, practices and ways of living, talking to believers and visiting places of worship.

Tolerance and Understanding Diversity
It is important that children are aware that they are part of a diverse society and the syllabus is intended to enable children to develop a sense of mutual respect and tolerance. In Years 1, 2 and 3, children will be taught explicitly about respectful behaviour and how to show tolerance towards people whose beliefs and opinions differ from their own. As they progress through school into Years 4, 5 and 6 children will be expected to demonstrate these values without further explicit teaching.

Critical Thinking and Ethics
Pupils will develop their ability to think critically and express their views and ideas in a respectful and articulate manner. Through exploring and discussing a range of moral and ethical questions and scenarios, children will develop their understanding of the principles of right and wrong and how these principles and other factors may affect a person’s behaviour and choices.

Pupils should be able to apply an increasing range of skills to content, as follows:
In Year 1 children will recall; talk about and notice; respond to questions; and talk about ideas.
In Year 2 they will also recall and name; retell and suggest meanings; and recognise similarities and differences.
By Year 4 children will be able to describe and make links; explain and give reasons; describe and show understanding; explore and describe similarities and differences; and reflect and give examples.
By Year 6 children will also be able to compare and contrast views; give a considered response; explain a range of opinions and give reasons; weigh up different points of view; and summarise and apply a range of ideas.

Early Years RE
Year 1 – RE.
Year 2 – RE
Year 3 – RE 
Year 4 – RE
Year 5 – RE
Year 6 – RE