
At Grove House Primary School, we want pupils to be independent, forward thinkers of technology. Technology is ever-changing and will play a pivotal role shaping and influencing pupils’ lives. Therefore, we aim to model and educate our pupils’ on how to use technology that reflects our school values; being safe, kind and understanding. When teaching computing, we equip children with the skills required to use computers effectively to enable them to maximise their potential.

To do so, we deploy teaching strategies through the Purple Mash scheme of work that promotes resilience, independence, critical thinking, communication skills and problem solving. We ensure that children at Grove House confident users of computing and responsible digital citizens who are ready to meet the challenges of their digital future. We use Purple Mash as a cohesive scheme of work addressing the statutory aspects of the National Curriculum. Computing is branched into three aspects:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Digital Literacy,
    so that our pupils are set a relevant, challenging continuum of age-related skills and knowledge.

Computing in the Early Years
Rather then a scheme with set lessons, the early years resources are designed to integrate into the day-today routine and set-up of an early years setting with opportunities for using Mini Mash or Purple Mash as part of the Early Years curriculum to support children in working towards early learning goals.

Computing overview 2023 – 2024
Computing progression

Staying safe online
Our NSPCC parent workshops have educated parents on the benefits of technology but also how they can support their children to use technology safely at home. Our online safety curriculum is enhanced by Project Evolve.