Relationships Health Education
Grove House Primary School will teach Relationships Health Education (R.H.E) as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (P.S.H.E) programme building up in an age-appropriate way from Nursery to Year 6.
The P.S.H.E curriculum covers the following themes:
- Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of pupils’ abilities;
- Preparing to play an active role as citizens;
- Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle; and
- Developing good relationships and respecting differences between people.
Our Primary age Relationships Health Education:
- Helps prepare children for their future lives.
- Develops skills and self-esteem to help children enter adolescence.
- Prepares children for puberty.
- Enables pupils to develop knowledge, communication skills and understanding in order to facilitate personal decision making.
- Enables pupils to develop the ability to form positive, non-exploitative relationships.
- Enables pupils to be aware of personal, psychological, emotional and physical changes in themselves and others.
- Emphasizes the role and the value of family life.
- Explores attitudes and values.
- Develops mutual respect and care for others.
- Addresses concerns and correct common misunderstandings children may have gained from the media and their peers.
- Develops skills to help children protect themselves from unwanted physical contact.
- Is conducted in a sensitive manner in a relaxed environment that enables children to air their feelings and views.
- Is taught as a spiral programme that is differentiated to meet the needs of children at different ages and stages of development.
Click here to see our consultation Powerpoint
A parent friendly guide has been published by the DFE
Please see the online parent e-book for further information about RHE.
The RHE policy can be found here
For more information please check the PSHE page.
Should you have any questions regarding the teaching of RHE in school please do not hesitate to contact us.