
We recently gained the Early Years Quality Mark – Read the report here – EY Report

Welcome to Nursery!

Learning in nursery is a little bit different to the rest of school. If you come to our nursery sessions, you might come on every day or you can choose mornings or afternoon sessions. Our morning learning session starts at 8:45am and finishes at 11:45pm. Our afternoon learning sessions start at 12.15pm and finish at 3:15pm. Mrs Tyson is our Nursery Manager.

Learning in nursery is very special. We pride ourselves on giving the children hands-on, exciting experiences which will feed their curiosity for the world around them. Learning supports children through their age and stages of development whilst helping them become independent in what they do and ready for the next stage in their education.

Our Nursery class is named after the famous author Nick Butterworth. Over the year, the children will look at lots of different books by Nick Butterworth. Here are some examples you could read at home:


Have a look at what we are exploring over the year – Nursery LTP (2023-24).docx


Autumn 1 Topic:

In nursery this half term, our main focus is on settling in all our new children. The children will visit with their parents and then they will start gradually over the first three weeks, ensuring we can support individual needs.

Children will explore our areas of provision, discover new learning and meet new friends. We will develop their social skills, getting to know each other, encouraging good sharing and working together. We will also welcome a new member of staff to our nursery team, Mrs Ahmed.

Over the weeks we will focus on farms and looking at which animals you might find on a farm. If you get a chance to visit a farm please send photos to our email.

Please click here to see our Aut 1 MTP 2023-24.docx


We love involving parents in their child’s learning. We know parents will see their child doing lot of fabulous things at home and we are keen to capture these with you. We call these WOW Moments. We encourage parents to take photos and tell us all about these.

You can email your WOW Moments to us at