
At Grove house Primary School, every pupil is a mathematician. We offer a curriculum that facilitates every pupil from EYFS to Year 6, regardless of ability, to enjoy mathematics, appreciate the beauty and creativity of the subject and feel empowered to succeed. We see the importance of preparing all our pupils for mathematics in the real world and, as such, build it into all aspects of school life at Grove House.

The curriculum we offer is bespoke to suit the needs of our pupils and our community but is built upon the principles of Teaching for Mastery and adapted from the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning.

Our vision is for every child at Grove House to experience a love of mathematics; a confidence in themselves as a capable mathematician; to become fluent in all aspects of mathematics developing efficiency, accuracy and flexibility; to have a positive mathematical mindset and mathematical resilience needed for taking on challenges within the subject; and to feel equipped to use mathematics in their future lives beyond Primary School.

To achieve our vision, you can expect to see: fluency, reasoning and problem-solving opportunities for all pupils in all topics of mathematics; a use of concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) representations to enable children to understand the mathematical structure more deeply; questioning and collaboration and real-life experiences that develop intellectual curiosity.

Our teachers and support staff have a positive mathematical mindset and a belief in all children as capable mathematicians, this means that our children can expect to feel supported, challenged and to have a wealth of opportunities to see maths in different contexts.

Every lesson will incorporate opportunities for pupils to recap prior learning including that that may have occurred in a previous year group, teachers utilise these opportunities to enable pupils to make connections in mathematics and to build upon prior knowledge.

As we recognise that arithmetical proficiency and number sense are key foundations for success in mathematics from EYFS to Year 6, teachers build in daily focus in this area to develop automaticity of number facts as well as exploring opportunities for children to develop their accuracy, efficiency and flexibility to become truly fluent in mathematics.

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approaches are used to develop a depth of understanding of the underlying mathematical structures, allowing children to fully understand the maths not just do the maths. Our calculation policies for the four operations are based upon the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning and clearly show the progression of how this is developed throughout school.

The impact of our approach is that pupils leave Grove House with a love of mathematics; a confidence and resilience to overcome problems that they encounter in the subject; and strong foundations for further mathematical success as they move on to secondary school.

Multiplication Facts / Timetables

Recalling multiplication facts with accuracy is very important, especially as children move through school.

At Grove House we use Timetables Rock Stars to support children learning their multiplication facts. This fun, inactive platform allows children to play a number of different games independently or with one another. From time to time the school organsies competitions between year groups and classes. If you can encourage your child to access TTRS for 10 minutes every day on a phone, table or laptop you will see how quickly they can learn these facts. At the end of year 4 all  children will access the Multiplication Timestable Check.

Children across Key Stage 2 will access TTRS as it is really important for children to continue recalling these facts with increasing accuracy.

There’s always time to play maths games at home. Follow the links below to have a go!










How you can help at home

We encourage our families to support children with real life learning opportunities – here are some ways you can help your child develop their reasoning skills. EYFS Reasoning maths

These videos can help you to see how we are teaching maths in school. Some of our lesson content comes from White Rose Maths, the representations and explanations are aligned to our school approaches.


Please click the links below to see our overviews:

Year 1 maths

Year 2 maths

Year 3 maths

Year 4 maths

Year 5 maths

Year 6 maths

Below are copies of the presentations that were shared with parents at the Summer workshops. If you would like to re-visit anything that was covered, or were not able to attend, please look at them!

Maths Parents Workshop Reception

Maths Parent Workshop Y3 and Y4

Some parents were asking for support with how maths is taught in different year groups. The link below will give you access to free workbooks that can be used throughout the year. They give examples of methods used as well, so that you know you are supporting them in the right way.