These are a selection of websites to support children and families with SEND:
Bradford SENDIASS is for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area – and for their children too.
The staff help parents and children to work together with schools and the local authority so that they have a good understanding of what support is needed and to make sure that it is put in place. They can also offer IASS around health and social care needs in relation to SEND.
BBC Bitesize have a specific SEND section on their website, offering lots of advice and resources to support remote learning for young people.
Dyslexia information for parents from Nessy:
The Young Minds website has tips and advice on how to support your child’s mental health during the pandemic and also has links to external services, which can provide further support and information.
Singing Hands is a Youtube channel that teaches children and families Makaton signs to go alongside lots of their favourite songs and rhymes.
Below are some websites to support children and parents with Visual Impairments: