At Grove House, we are a fully inclusive and accessible school. We support all pupils to achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum and help them prepare for the future.

We are very lucky to have a Resourced Provision at our school. The staff in the RP are specially trained to support children who have a vision impairment. This gives us direct access to specialist teachers each and every day.

Children may have special educational needs that require additional support when progress has slowed or stopped. They may have a learning need or disability that calls for additional or adapted learning provision to be made. We implement a graduated approach as recommend by Bradford Council. This is based on an Assess-Plan-Do-Review structure.

At Grove House Primary pupils are identified as having SEND when they are having difficultly in their learning. There are varying stages of SEND which help us decide what support your child needs:

Quality First Teaching This is where teachers recognise that a child needs access to a range of resources in the classroom to help them learn alongside their peers and continue to make good progress.
SEN Support When children are at this stage, they will access some interventions to ensure they continue to make good progress.
SEND Support + Children working at this stage are gaining access to a greater number of interventions. This may be done in in small groups or as 121. It may be that provision is adapted and a child has a bespoke timetable to ensure they are still able to make progress and be successful at school.
Education Care and Health Plan Children who have an EHCP usually have a greater level of SEND. It is recognised by professionals that they need a greater level or support in order to continue to be success in mainstream school. Some children who have an EHCP may have someone working with them to support them but this depends on the level of need.
Education Care and Health Plan + If a child is working at EHCP + this means that they usually working in a more specialist provision. This could be an Additional Resource Centre or Designated Specialist Provision with specially trained teachers.


The SEND Code of Practice states that there are four main areas of need:

Communication and InteractionSocial, Emotional Mental Health Cognition and Learning Physical and/ or Sensory
Attention / Interaction skills: May have difficulties ignoring distractions. Need reminders to keep attention. May need regular prompts to stay on task. May need individualised motivation in order to complete tasks. Difficulty attending in whole class. Interaction will not always be appropriate. May have peer relationship difficulties. May not be able to initiate or maintain a conversation.
Understanding / Receptive Language: May need visual support to understand or process spoken language. May need augmented communication systems Frequent misunderstandings. Repetition of language and some basic language needs to be used to aid their understanding.
Speech / Expressive Language: May use simplified language and limited vocabulary. Ideas / conversations may be difficult to follow, with the need to request frequent clarification. Some immaturities in the speech sound system. Grammar / phonological awareness still fairly poor and therefore their literacy can be affected.
Children may have difficulties with social and emotional development which may lead to or stem from:
• Social isolation
• Behaviour difficulties
• Attention difficulties (ADHD)
• Anxiety and depression
• Attachment disorders
• Low self esteem
• Issues with self-image
• Autism and social communication
Children may have difficulties with the skills needed for effective learning such as use of:
• Language, memory and reasoning skills
• Sequencing and organisational skills
• An understanding of number
• Problem-solving and concept development skills
• Independent learning skills
• Exercising choice
• Decision making
• Information processing
Children may have a specific learning disability such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or dysgraphia.
These pupils may have a medical or genetic condition that could lead to difficulties with:
• Specific medical conditions
• Gross / fine motor skills
• Visual / hearing impairment
• Accessing the curriculum without adaptation
• Physically accessing the building(s) or equipment.
• Over sensitivity to noise / smells / light / touch / taste.
• Toileting / self-care.


We have a number of documents that may help you understand SEND both at Grove House and across the city.

Grove House SEND Policy

Grove House SEND Local offer

Bradford Local Offer

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan

Medical Needs Policy

If you are concerned that your child may have an additional learning need please make an appointment to speak to either your class teacher or Miss Wade, who is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator or Miss Wade our SENDCo. They will listen to your concerns and work with you to decide on some next steps. You can contact the school office on 01274 – 636921 to arrange an appointment.

Grove House Primary is part of the Pennine Academies Yorkshire Trust